7 min read

Proxmox & R cluster

Here I’ll show how to set up my parallel computing environment of R.


As far as I know, the virtualization for linux with OpenVZ does not loss too many computation efficiency. Moreover, it provides a simple way to copy whole computation environment from one machine to another. The consistency of the environment reduces the difficulty of setting MPI between machines, so I decide to build my R cluster under Proxmox, which is an easy to use open source virtualization platform.



Software(Installed in Container OS):

Set up Proxmox Cluster

Install Proxmox

Please see Proxmox Installation

Set up Proxmox Cluster

Please see Create a Proxmox VE Cluster

Create a container

An easy way is to create the container under the management console of Proxmox.

Please download the container template from [http://wiki.openvz.org/Download/template/precreated] and put it under /var/lib/vz/template/cache/.

Here, I write small shell script (modified from Here) to create the virtual container with 6 CPUs, 2G memory and 32G disk:

sh create_vz.sh #! /bin/bash VZUID="$1" VZHOSTNAME="$2" VZIP="$3" VZTEMPLATE="$4" if [[ $1 != "" && $2 != "" && $3 != "" && $4 != "" ]]; then /usr/bin/pvectl create $VZUID $VZTEMPLATE --cpus 6 --disk 32 --hostname $VZHOSTNAME --memory 2048 --swap 2048 --nameserver --password initpasswd --pool Rslaves --netif ifname=eth0,mac=$(./macgen.py),host_ifname=veth103.0,host_mac=<host_mac>,bridge=vmbr0 /usr/bin/pvectl set $VZUID --ip_address $VZIP else /bin/echo "" /bin/echo "./create_vz.sh <UID> <HOSTNAME> <IP> <TEMPLATE>" /bin/echo "" /bin/echo "" /usr/bin/pvectl list fi

Note that the initial root password is initpasswd and the user need to fill according to the mac address of the host.(run ifconfig in host machine or check the setting of the container created in management console).

The mac address is initialized according to the following python scripts:

``` py macgen.py #! /usr/bin/python # Filename: macgen.py # Usage: It’s intended to generate MAC addresses for virtualized # systems that created by Xen, OpenVZ, Vserver etc.

import random

The first line is defined for specified vendor

mac = [ 0x00, 0x24, 0x81, random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) ]

print ‘:’.join(map(lambda x: “%02x” % x, mac))

After creating _create_vz.sh_ and _macgen.py_ and put them into the same directory, 
run the shell command `./create_vz.sh 200 Rmaster /var/lib/vz/template/cache/ubuntu-12.04-x86_64.tar.gz`

    Creating container private area (/var/lib/vz/template/cache/ubuntu-12.04-x86_64.tar.gz)
    Performing postcreate actions
    CT configuration saved to /etc/pve/openvz/200.conf
    Container private area was created
    CT configuration saved to /etc/pve/openvz/200.conf
# Set up the prototype of container

I will set up everything in one container and copy it to other machines in Proxmox Cluster.

Note that the following commands are executed in the container under root privilege.

## Initialize

Login the virtual machine via ssh(`ssh root@`) with the initial root password.

``` sh
locale-gen --lang en_US en_US.UTF-8
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install build-essential -y

Install R

apt-get install r-base -y

Set /etc/hosts

Here I’ll set up a clusters with 3 machines:

text /etc/hosts Rmaster Rslave1 Rslave2


Enable ssh public key authentication.

adduser ruser
su ruser
ssh-keygen -t dsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


sudo -u ruser ssh ruser@localhost

We should directly login without prompt of password.

Install MPICH2

apt-get install mpich2 -y

Check Install Result

Run mpich2version

MPICH2 Version:         1.4.1
MPICH2 Release date:    Wed Aug 24 14:40:04 CDT 2011
MPICH2 Device:          ch3:nemesis
MPICH2 configure:       --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --includedir=${prefix}/include --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/mpich2 --srcdir=. --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-shared --prefix=/usr --enable-fc --disable-rpath --sysconfdir=/etc/mpich2 --includedir=/usr/include/mpich2 --docdir=/usr/share/doc/mpich2 --with-hwloc-prefix=system --enable-checkpointing --with-hydra-ckpointlib=blcr
MPICH2 CC:      gcc  -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -Wall  -O2
MPICH2 CXX:     c++  -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -Wall -O2
MPICH2 F77:     gfortran  -g -O2 -O2
MPICH2 FC:      gfortran   -O2

Install Rmpi with MPICH2

Comment out origin setting of CC and SHLIB_LD. Add:

#CC = ...
CC = mpicc
#SHLIB_LD = ...

Open R console and execute following commands to install Rmpi with MPICH2:

r install Rmpi install.packages('Rmpi',configure.args="--with-Rmpi-type=MPICH2 --with-Rmpi-include=/usr/lib/mpich2/include --with-Rmpi-libpath=/usr/lib/mpich2/lib/ --with-mpi=/usr/include/mpich2/")

Recover /etc/R/Makeconf:

CC = ...
#CC = mpicc
SHLIB_LD = ...

Modify /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rmpi/Rslaves.sh line 17:

text /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rmpi/Rslaves.sh ... $R_HOME/bin/R --no-init-file --slave --no-save < $1 > /tmp/$hn.$2.$$.log 2>&1 ...

Note that without modification of /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rmpi/Rslaves.sh will produce Permission denied during mpi.spawn.Rslaves.

Install snow

Install snow

r insatll snow install.packages("snow")

Spread Prototype

In this section, the commands are executed in host OS (Proxmox) if there is no further explanation.

Shutdown the prototype of container

Before deploying the prototype of container to other machines, I suggest to shutdown the prototype.

sh Under container init 0

Backup the Snapshot of the container

run vzdump -dumpdir . 200

INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 200 --dumpdir .
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 200 (openvz)
INFO: CTID 200 exist unmounted down
INFO: status = stopped
INFO: backup mode: stop
INFO: ionice priority: 7
INFO: creating archive './vzdump-openvz-200-2012_08_16-13_53_23.tar'
INFO: Total bytes written: 960901120 (917MiB, 716MiB/s)
INFO: archive file size: 916MB
INFO: delete old backup './vzdump-openvz-200-2012_08_16-13_33_40.tar'
INFO: Finished Backup of VM 200 (00:00:02)
INFO: Backup job finished successfully

The Proxmox will dump the environment of the prototype container to one file whose size is about 1G. Note that 200 is the uid of the prototype.

Copy the prototype

I spread the prototype with the following shell scripts.

Please remember to modify the or other settings to fit your own environment.

sh spread_vz.sh #! /bin/bash VZUID="$1" VZHOSTNAME="$2" VZIP="$3" VZDUMP="$4" if [[ $1 != "" && $2 != "" && $3 != "" && $4 != "" ]]; then vzrestore $VZDUMP $VZUID pvectl set $VZUID --ip_address $VZIP --netif ifname=eth0,mac=$(./macgen.py),host_ifname=veth$VZUID.0,host_mac=<host_mac>,bridge=vmbr0 --hostname $VZHOSTNAME else /bin/echo "" /bin/echo "./spread_vz.sh <UID> <HOSTNAME> <IP> <VZDUMP>" /bin/echo "" /bin/echo "" /usr/bin/pvectl list fi

run ./spread_vz.sh 201 Rslave1 vzdump-openvz-200-2012_08_16-13_53_23.tar

extracting archive '/root/dump/vzdump-openvz-200-2012_08_16-13_53_23.tar'
Total bytes read: 960901120 (917MiB, 470MiB/s)
restore configuration to '/etc/pve/nodes/<cluster1>/openvz/201.conf'
CT configuration saved to /etc/pve/openvz/201.conf

run ./spread_vz.sh 202 Rslave2 vzdump-openvz-200-2012_08_16-13_53_23.tar for second slave.

Deploy the slave

Just open the management console of Proxmox to migrate these new containers to other machines in Proxmox Cluster.

Validate Environment

  • Start all containers.
  • Login to Rmaster as ruser.
  • Try ssh to Rslave1 and Rslave2 as ruser. It should not require password.
  • Check the content of /etc/hosts on all machines.
  • Create Rmpi.conf as
  • Create Rmpi.test.R as r Rmpi.test.R library(Rmpi) cl <- mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=6) mpi.close.Rslaves() mpi.quit()
  • execute mpiexec -np 1 -f Rmpi.conf R --vanilla < Rmpi.test.R
R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22)
Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

  Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(Rmpi)
> cl <- mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=6)
        6 slaves are spawned successfully. 0 failed.
master (rank 0, comm 1) of size 7 is running on: Rmaster 
slave1 (rank 1, comm 1) of size 7 is running on: Rslave1
slave2 (rank 2, comm 1) of size 7 is running on: Rslave2
slave3 (rank 3, comm 1) of size 7 is running on: Rmaster
slave4 (rank 4, comm 1) of size 7 is running on: Rslave1
slave5 (rank 5, comm 1) of size 7 is running on: Rslave2
slave6 (rank 6, comm 1) of size 7 is running on: Rmaster
> mpi.close.Rslaves()
[1] 1
> mpi.quit()

Install Rstudio Server

apt-get install libssl0.9.8 libapparmor1 apparmor-utils -y
wget http://download2.rstudio.org/rstudio-server-0.96.330-amd64.deb
dpkg -i rstudio-server-0.96.330-amd64.deb

See Download RStudio Server for details.

Set Rmpi in Rstudio Server


Create /etc/Rmpi.conf

text /etc/Rmpi.conf Rmaster Rslave1 Rslave2

Create /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession-mpiexec.sh:

``` sh /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession-mpiexec.sh #! /bin/bash

mpiexec -np 1 -f /etc/Rmpi.conf -errfile-pattern /tmp/mpiexec.error.log /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession “$@”

Modify the privilege:

``` sh
chmod u+x /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession-mpiexec.sh
chmod g+x /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession-mpiexec.sh
chmod o+x /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession-mpiexec.sh

Create or modify /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf:


Modify /etc/apparmor.d/rstudio-server:

text rstudio-server #/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession ux, /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession-mpiexec.sh ux,

Restart Rstudio Server or restart the Rmaster

rstudio-server restart

Testing with Rmpi

Login into web interface of Rstudio and execute

cl <- mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=6)

You should see the slaves are spawned in different container/machines.

Testing with snow

Login into web interface of Rstudio and execute

cl <- makeMPIcluster(count = 18)
unlist(clusterEvalQ(cl, system('hostname',intern=TRUE)))

You should see the hostname of slaves.

Trouble Shooting:

  • Check the network environment
    • Is the /etc/hosts correct?
    • Can ruser ssh to slaves and masters without password prompt?
  • Check logs:
    • the system log (/var/log/syslog)
    • mpiexec error log (/tmp/mpiexec.error.log) which is set in /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession-mpiexec.sh

Good Luck!