Introduction of Feature Hashing

Create a Model Matrix via Feature Hashing with a Formula Interface

Wush Wu
Taiwan R User Group

Wush Chi-Hsuan Wu

  • Ph.D. Student
    • Display Advertising and Real Time Bidding
    • Large-Scale Machine Learning
  • Cofounder of Taiwan R User Group
    • Machine Learning and Data Mining Monday
    • R Workshop in Data Science Conference in Taiwan 2014 and 2015

Taiwan R User Group

An Example of FeatureHashing

Sentiment Analysis

  • Provided by Lewis Crouch
  • Show the pros of using FeatureHashing

Dataset: IMDB

  • Predict the rating of the movie according to the text in the review.

  • Training Dataset: 25000 reviews

  • Binary response: positive or negative.

## [1] 1
  • Cleaned review
## [1] "kurosawa is a proved humanitarian this movie is totally about people living in" 
## [2] "poverty you will see nothing but angry in this movie it makes you feel bad but" 
## [3] "still worth all those who s too comfortable with materialization should spend 2"
## [4] "5 hours with this movie"

Word Segmentation

##  [1] ""                "kurosawa"        "is"             
##  [4] "a"               "proved"          "humanitarian"   
##  [7] ""                "this"            "movie"          
## [10] "is"              "totally"         "about"          
## [13] "people"          "living"          "in"             
## [16] "poverty"         ""                "you"            
## [19] "will"            "see"             "nothing"        
## [22] "but"             "angry"           "in"             
## [25] "this"            "movie"           ""               
## [28] "it"              "makes"           "you"            
## [31] "feel"            "bad"             "but"            
## [34] "still"           "worth"           ""               
## [37] "all"             "those"           "who"            
## [40] "s"               "too"             "comfortable"    
## [43] "with"            "materialization" "should"         
## [46] "spend"           "2"               "5"              
## [49] "hours"           "with"            "this"           
## [52] "movie"           ""

Document-term Matrix

id message hate bad like gratuitous

FeatureHashing and it's Formula Interface

  • FeatureHashing provides split in the formula.
hash_size <- 2^16
m.train <- hashed.model.matrix(~ split(review, delim = " ", type = "existence"), 
                               data = imdb.train, 
                               hash.size = hash_size,
                               signed.hash = FALSE)
m.valid <- hashed.model.matrix(~ split(review, delim = " ", type = "existence"), 
                              data = imdb.valid, 
                              hash.size = hash_size,
                              signed.hash = FALSE)

Type of split

Document-term Matrix and tm

corpus.train <- VCorpus(VectorSource(imdb.train$review))
dtm.train <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus.train)
## [1] 20000 67678
corpus.valid <- VCorpus(VectorSource(imdb.valid$review))
dtm.valid <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus.valid)
## [1]  5000 38155


  test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child
2   fh           10  73.316    1.000    70.083    1.898      0.000
1   tm           10 203.663    2.778    66.950    4.440    239.018
2     0.000
1    12.413

Document-Term Matrix and xgboost

dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(m.train, label = imdb.train$sentiment)
dvalid <- xgb.DMatrix(m.valid, label = imdb.valid$sentiment)
watch <- list(train = dtrain, valid = dvalid)
g <- xgb.train(booster = "gblinear", nrounds = 100, eta = 0.0001, max.depth = 2,
                data = dtrain, objective = "binary:logistic",
                watchlist = watch, eval_metric = "auc")
[0]  train-auc:0.969895  valid-auc:0.914488
[1] train-auc:0.969982  valid-auc:0.914621
[2] train-auc:0.970069  valid-auc:0.914766
[97]  train-auc:0.975616    valid-auc:0.922895
[98]    train-auc:0.975658  valid-auc:0.922952
[99]    train-auc:0.975700  valid-auc:0.923014


The Purpose of FeatureHashing

  • Make our life easier

Basic Feature Extraction in R

Algorithm in Text Book


\[y = X \beta + \varepsilon\]

Real Data

Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
51 7.0 3.2 4.7 1.4 versicolor
52 6.4 3.2 4.5 1.5 versicolor
101 6.3 3.3 6.0 2.5 virginica
102 5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 virginica
  • How to convert the real data to \(X\)?

Feature Vectorization and Formula Interface

  • \(X\) is usually constructed via model.matrix in R
model.matrix(~ ., iris.demo)
(Intercept) Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Speciesversicolor Speciesvirginica
1 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 0 0
2 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 0 0
51 1 7.0 3.2 4.7 1.4 1 0
52 1 6.4 3.2 4.5 1.5 1 0
101 1 6.3 3.3 6.0 2.5 0 1
102 1 5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 0 1

Categorical Feature in R

  • A categorical variables of \(K\) categories are transformed to a \(K-1\)-dimentional vector.
  • There are many coding systems and the most commonly used is Dummy Coding.
    • The first category are transformed to \(\vec{0}\).

Dummy Coding

##            versicolor virginica
## setosa              0         0
## versicolor          1         0
## virginica           0         1

Categorical Feature in Machine Learning

  • Predictive analysis
  • Regularization
  • The categorical variables of \(K\) categories are transformed to \(K\)-dimentional vector.
    • The missing data are transformed to \(\vec{0}\).
contr.treatment(levels(iris.demo$Species), contrasts = FALSE)
##            setosa versicolor virginica
## setosa          1          0         0
## versicolor      0          1         0
## virginica       0          0         1

Motivation of the FeatureHashing

Kaggle: Display Advertising Challenge

  • Given a user and the page he is visiting, what is the probability that he will click on a given ad?

The Size of the Dataset

  • 13 integer features and 26 categorical features
  • \(7 \times 10^7\) instances
  • Download the dataset via this link

Vectorize These Features in R

  • After binning the integer features, I got \(3 \times 10^7\) categories.
  • Sparse matrix was required
    • A dense matrix required 14PB memory...
    • A sparse matrix required 40GB memory...

Estimating Computing Resources

  • Dense matrix: nrow (\(7 \times 10^7\)) \(\times\) ncol (\(3 \times 10^7)\) \(\times\) 8 bytes
  • Sparse matrix: nrow (\(7 \times 10^7\)) \(\times\) (\(13 + 26\)) \(\times\) (\(4 + 4 + 8\)) bytes

Vectorize These Features in R

  • sparse.model.matrix is similar to model.matrix but returns a sparse matrix.

Fit Model with Limited Memory

Online Machine Learning

  • In online learning, the model parameter is updated after the arrival of every new datapoint.
    • Only the aggregated information and the incoming datapoint are used.
  • In batch learning, the model paramter is updated after access to the entire dataset.

Memory Requirement of Online Learning

  • Related to model parameters
    • Require little memory for large amount of instances.

Limitation of model.matrix

  • The vectorization requires all categories.
##            versicolor virginica
## setosa              0         0
## versicolor          1         0
## virginica           0         1

My Work Around

  • Scan all data to retrieve all categories
  • Vectorize features in an online fashion
  • The overhead of exploring features increases


  • Mapping features to \(\{0, 1, 2, ..., K\}\) is one of method to vectorize feature.
    • setosa => \(\vec{e_1}\)
    • versicolor => \(\vec{e_2}\)
    • virginica => \(\vec{e_3}\)
##            setosa versicolor virginica
## setosa          1          0         0
## versicolor      0          1         0
## virginica       0          0         1


  • contr.treatment ranks all categories to map the feature to integer.
  • What if we do not know all categories?
    • Digital features are integer.
    • We use a function maps \(\mathbb{Z}\) to \(\{0, 1, 2, ..., K\}\)
## [1] 73 65 74 6f 73 61

What is Feature Hashing?

  • For example, Mod %% is a family of hash function.

Feature Hashing

  • Choose a hash function and use it to hash all the categorical features.
  • The hash function does not require global information.

An Example of Feature Hashing of Criteo's Data

V15 V16 V17
68fd1e64 80e26c9b fb936136
68fd1e64 f0cf0024 6f67f7e5
287e684f 0a519c5c 02cf9876
68fd1e64 2c16a946 a9a87e68
8cf07265 ae46a29d c81688bb
05db9164 6c9c9cf3 2730ec9c
  • The categorical variables have been hashed onto 32 bits for anonymization purposes.
  • Let us use the last 4 bits as the hash result, i.e. the hash function is function(x) x %% 16
  • The size of the vector is \((2^4)\), which is called hash size

An Example of Feature Hashing of Criteo's Data

V15 V16 V17
68fd1e64 80e26c9b fb936136
68fd1e64 f0cf0024 6f67f7e5
287e684f 0a519c5c 02cf9876
68fd1e64 2c16a946 a9a87e68
8cf07265 ae46a29d c81688bb
05db9164 6c9c9cf3 2730ec9c
  • 68fd1e64, 80e26c9b, fb936136 => 4, b, 6
    • \((0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\)
  • 68fd1e64, f0cf0024, 6f67f7e5 => 4, 4, 5
    • \((0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\)

Hash Collision

  • 68fd1e64, f0cf0024, 6f67f7e5 => 4, 4, 5
    • \((0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\)
  • Hash function is a many to one mapping, so different features might be mapped to the same index. This is called collision.
  • In the perspective of statistics, the collision in hash function makes the effect of these features confounding.

Choosing Hash Function

  • Less collision rate
    • Real features, such as text features, are not uniformly distributed in \(\mathbb{Z}\).
  • High throughput
  • FeatureHashing uses the Murmurhash3 algorithm implemented by digest

Pros of FeatureHashing

A Good Companion of Online Algorithm

hash_size <- 2^16
w <- numeric(hash_size)
for(i in 1:1000) {
  data <- fread(paste0("criteo", i))
  X <- hashed.model.matrix(V1 ~ ., data, hash.size = hash_size)
  y <- data$V1
  update_w(w, X, y)

Pros of FeatureHashing

A Good Companion of Distributed Algorithm

hash_size <- 2^16
w <- numeric(hash_size)
i <- comm.rank()
data <- fread(paste0("criteo", i))
X <- hashed.model.matrix(V1 ~ ., data, hash.size = hash_size)
y <- data$V1
# ...

Pros of FeatureHashing

Simple Training and Testing

model <- is_click ~ ad * (url + ip)
m_train <- hashed.model.matrix(model, data_train, hash_size)
m_test <- hashed.model.matrix(model, data_test, hash_size)

Cons of FeatureHashing

Hash Size v.s. Log Likelihood

plot of chunk cons1.plot1

Cons of FeatureHashing

Hash Size v.s. computation time

plot of chunk cons1.plot2

Cons of FeatureHashing

Lose Interpretation

  • Collision makes the interpretation harder.
  • It is inconvenient to reverse the indices to feature.
m <- hashed.model.matrix(~ Species, iris, hash.size = 2^4, create.mapping = TRUE)
hash.mapping(m) %% 2^4
##     Speciessetosa  Speciesvirginica Speciesversicolor 
##                 7                13                 8

The Result of the Competition...

Formula Interface in R

Formula Interface

  • y ~ a + b
    • y is the response
    • a and b are predictors

Formula Interface: +

  • + is the operator of combining linear predictors
model.matrix(~ a + b, data.demo)
(Intercept) a b
1 1 5.1 3.5
2 1 4.9 3.0
51 1 7.0 3.2
52 1 6.4 3.2
101 1 6.3 3.3
102 1 5.8 2.7

Formula Interface: :

  • : is the interaction operator
model.matrix(~ a + b + a:b, data.demo)
(Intercept) a b a:b
1 1 5.1 3.5 17.85
2 1 4.9 3.0 14.70
51 1 7.0 3.2 22.40
52 1 6.4 3.2 20.48
101 1 6.3 3.3 20.79
102 1 5.8 2.7 15.66

Formula Interface: *

  • * is the operator of cross product
# a + b + a:b
model.matrix(~ a * b, data.demo)
(Intercept) a b a:b
1 1 5.1 3.5 17.85
2 1 4.9 3.0 14.70
51 1 7.0 3.2 22.40
52 1 6.4 3.2 20.48
101 1 6.3 3.3 20.79
102 1 5.8 2.7 15.66

Formula Interface: (

  • : and * are distributive over +
# a:c + b:c
model.matrix(~ (a + b):c, data.demo)
(Intercept) a:c b:c
1 1 7.14 4.90
2 1 6.86 4.20
51 1 32.90 15.04
52 1 28.80 14.40
101 1 37.80 19.80
102 1 29.58 13.77

Formula Interface: .

  • . means all columns of the data.
# ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length +
#   Petal.Width + Species
model.matrix(~ ., iris.demo)
(Intercept) Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Speciesversicolor Speciesvirginica
1 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 0 0
2 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 0 0
51 1 7.0 3.2 4.7 1.4 1 0
52 1 6.4 3.2 4.5 1.5 1 0
101 1 6.3 3.3 6.0 2.5 0 1
102 1 5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 0 1
  • Please check ?formula

Extending Formula Interface in R

  • Formula is the most R style interface


  • terms.formula and its argument specials
tf <- terms.formula(~ Plant * Type + conc * split(Treatment), specials = "split", 
                    data = CO2)
attr(tf, "factors")
##                  Plant Type conc split(Treatment) Plant:Type
## Plant                1    0    0                0          1
## Type                 0    1    0                0          1
## conc                 0    0    1                0          0
## split(Treatment)     0    0    0                1          0
##                  conc:split(Treatment)
## Plant                                0
## Type                                 0
## conc                                 1
## split(Treatment)                     1


  • attr(tf, "specials") tells which rows of attr(tf, "factors") need to be parsed further
rownames(attr(tf, "factors"))
## [1] "Plant"            "Type"             "conc"            
## [4] "split(Treatment)"
attr(tf, "specials")
## $split
## [1] 4


  • parse extracts the information from the specials
options(keep.source = TRUE)
p <- parse(text = rownames(attr(tf, "factors"))[4])
##   line1 col1 line2 col2 id parent                token terminal      text
## 9     1    1     1   16  9      0                 expr    FALSE          
## 1     1    1     1    5  1      3 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL     TRUE     split
## 3     1    1     1    5  3      9                 expr    FALSE          
## 2     1    6     1    6  2      9                  '('     TRUE         (
## 4     1    7     1   15  4      6               SYMBOL     TRUE Treatment
## 6     1    7     1   15  6      9                 expr    FALSE          
## 5     1   16     1   16  5      9                  ')'     TRUE         )


Let's Discuss the Implementation Later

Incoming Feature

FeatureHashing + jiebaR

df <- data.frame(title = c(
    "貶值取代降息? 台幣貶破33元",
    "優生 培寶4款毒奶瓶下架",
m <- hashed.model.matrix(~ jiebaR(title), df, create.mapping = TRUE)
  • Require jiebaR-devel and FeatureHashing-devel
    • devtools::install_github('qinwf/jiebaR')
    • devtools::install_github('wush978/FeatureHashing', ref = 'dev/0.10')

Customized Formula Special Function

  • Defines the specail function in R or C++(through Rcpp)
  • Register the function to the FeatureHashing
  • Call these function before FeatureHashing via Formula Interface
  • Might be useful for n-gram


  • Pros of FeatureHashing
    • Make it easier to do feature vectorization for predictive analysis.
    • Make it easier to tokenize the text data.
  • Cons of FeatureHashing
    • Decrease the prediction accuracy if the hash size is too small
    • Interpretation becomes harder.

When should I use FeatureHashing?

Short Answer: Predictive Anlysis with a large amount of categories.


Thanks You